used furniture in good condition due to expact leave.
# double bed solid wood from home centre.
# washing machine with dryer siemens.
# westpoint fridge nofrost enough big for family.
# samsung TV LEED 40 inches flat with crystal frame 1 year old with mini box HD reciever.
# sport device nuwave used for 2 months.
# dinning table solid wood with ceramic topping and 6 chairs from home centre.
# 3 seat + 2seat + 1 seat sofa biege colour.
# glass desk top table from home centre.
# two balcony`s or garden chairs very confortable from home centre.
# dell desktop with flat monitor.
انتبه: مدة هذا الاعلان هى شهر واحد فقط من تاريخ نشر الاعلان وتاريخ نشر الاعلان هو : 1/1/2013 فرجاءا ً عدم الاتصال بعد الموعد المحدد لتاريخ انتهاء الاعلان منعا للازعاج والاحراج .