Store for rent in Al Qusais 3 3200 ft commercial space
Required 135000 dirhams a year without tax
To communicate 0502600047
Store for rent in Al Qusais 3 Size 2800 feet where office space is divided suitable for a construction company or the like
Annual Rent AED 150000
Without tax
To communicate 0505471822
Store or Hbrh rent space 4400 feet store is valid only Qusais 1 Requested 155000 AED Yearly
To communicate 0505471822
Store or Hbrh rent an area of 2200 feet store is valid only Qusais 1 required AED 85000 Yearly
To communicate 0505471822
Land area 10,000 feet where half Hbrh closed offices and rooms housing workers Qusais 4
High commercial electricity or store required annual 265000 AED to continue 050,547,182
انتبه: مدة هذا الاعلان هى شهر واحد فقط من تاريخ نشر الاعلان وتاريخ نشر الاعلان هو : 27/12/2012 فرجاءا ً عدم الاتصال بعد الموعد المحدد لتاريخ انتهاء الاعلان منعا للازعاج والاحراج .