شركة المجد كلين للخدمات المنزليه

26 يونيو 2019
شركة المجد كلين للخدمات المنزليه

شركة تنظيف بالرياض \مكافحة حشرات بالرياض \شركة عزل خزانات
ط§ظ„ط±ط¦ظٹط³ظٹط© | ط´ط±ظƒط© ط§ظ„ظ…ط¬ط¯ ظƒظ„ظٹظ†
شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض والخرج وخدمات مكافحة الحشرات باستخدام افضل المواد وبالضمان واقل الاسعار للحصول على افضل خدمة للعملاء وخدمة العوازل وغسيل الخزانات والتعقيم وغسيل وتعقيم المجالس والفرشات والحصول على افضل النتائج بعد الانتهاء من العمل والاهتمام الدائم باارضاء العملاء .
شركة المجد كلين الرياض من افضل و ارخص شركات تنظيف المنازل الرياض التي تتميز بالمهارة و الخبرة فى مجال تنظيف المنازل فنحن فى هذا المجال منذ 10 سنوات مما جعلنا نكتسب خبرات كبيرة جدا فى تنظيف المنازل و أيضاً عملنا الدائم فى تنظيف الفلل و القصور الكبيرة جعل مهمة تنظيف الشقق أمراً سهلا جداً و ليس هذا فقط بل لأن شركة المجد كلين الرياض تمتلك من العمالة المنزلية من لهم خبرة كبيرة فى مجال تنظيف المنازل و مع ذلك و مع مرور الوقت فنحن نحرص على ان يكتسب هؤلاء العمال خبرة أكبر من السابق عن طريق المزاولة المستمرة من خلال تنظيف عدد كبير من المنازل و الشقق و البيوت و القصور داخل مدينة الرياض و هذا ما تتميز به شركتنا المجد كلين الرياض افضل شركة كلين الرياض على مر تلك السنوات و هو الفارق بيننا و بين شركات تنظيف المنازل فى الرياض 0554016419


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Rita Ellen Gerzanick

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Sports Bristol Central Bristol northern St. Gerzanick. Rita was developed on Aug. 3, 1926, The minor of Richard and Mary (Teevan) vast.

Rita attended The Patterson School and graduated from Bristol school in 1944 as salutatorian of her class. In English from the University of Connecticut and her sixth year in software and supervision from Central Connecticut State University. Rita played a leadership role in her skilled professional, Community and church measures.

Rita began teaching in 1948 at Lyman graduating in Wallingford. One year later she began at the Bristol High School and then Bristol Central High School where she served for as English Department Chair. She retired in 1997 after 43 years as a citywide 9 12 English Department Chair at Bristol Central and Bristol moldova brides Eastern graduating. She served as president of the Connecticut Heads of English sectors (CHED) For five long time, The web design manager the Delta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, An honor society with regard to educators.

She was a member of the visiting committee of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges to evaluate high schools and a member of the visiting committee of the Connecticut State Board of Education to evaluate teacher training associations.

She was a cooperating teacher and mentor for the most powerful program (Beginning Educator Support and training course) And a member of the CAEP comparison in English. She was also a member of the state committee to design the reading and writing test for are very grateful teachers.

Rita was a shoes of Scorers for State Mastery Tests, Scorers for tenth grade Connecticut Academic entire performance Test and new Teachers for the State Department of Education. She was a life member of National Education association beautiful moldova and the Connecticut Education rapport.

Following her type of pension, Rita immersed herself in website service. She was President of the Bristol Women's College Club and a member of the City of Bristol Library Board where she spent many years as chair. rrn addition she was a member, President and on the Board of Directors or a trustee of the Bristol Girls' Club. Rita also was on the Board of company directors for the Uniter Way. She was the founder of the Women and Girls' Fund of Main Street platform, Serving as Director Emeritus of the Board of owners. She was also a member of the Graustein Memorial transition to Kindergarten Institute and the Connecticut Literacy Initiative. Rita was appointed by former mayor Frank Nicastro to the School Readiness Council and was chair of this program Quality Committee. following this she served as an educational consultant for Bristol Pre School and Child Care Center. She was also an active member of the Bristol rapport of Retired Teachers (BART). Additionally she was a member of the Tunxis college Advisory and Foundation Board. Rita was on the Board of Directors for Eagle Bank and the Bristol young ones Club. She was a corporator of the Bristol doctor's, The Wheeler Clinic and Central Connecticut Mental Health online marketers.

During her prominent career Rita was the recipient of several awards. In 1985 she received the Teacher of the year Award from the State Board of Education. In 1994 and 1995 she received the staff total satisfaction award from the Bristol Board of Education.

In 1995 she received the Humanitarian Award from the Bristol boys and girls Club Association. sometimes in 1995, Rita received a City of Bristol Proclamation on June 8 from Mayor Nicastro honoring her and conveying his sincere gratitude and appreciation for dedicated, Selfless and thoughtful efforts on behalf of the city's youth.

into 1996, She was honored making use of the Bristol PLUS (Positive direction, Unselfish facility) Award from the Bristol Family Center for her willpower to community service. within just 2000, She was awarded a piece of paper of National Service by Americorps.

regarding 2001, She was the recipient of Recognition from the Bristol Preschool Child Care Center. In 2001 and 2002 she received excessive awards from Americorps. In 2001 she was awarded the Director's Award of Annual Recognition and in 2002 received certificates of Appreciation for the Connecticut Literacy Initiative Volunteer Program.

Finally in 2008 she received two awards from the Hartford Area Child Care Collaborative for Creative program for Preschool Literacy and Interest Areas. In April of that year she also received recognize for Theory of Multiple Intelligences from the Bristol School Readiness Grant Manager Mary Alice Petrucelli.

In honor of Rita's service and dedication to the field of teaching an annual award The Rita Gerzanick Legacy Award is given to a student who understands the importance of community involvement, Leadership and service at the big level of its name sake.

Rita was a very devote Catholic who was simply very active in St. Matthews the bible. She was chair of the Parish council for two terms (Six extended time) And a person in St. Matthews School Board serving as admin. She was a lector for years and an honorary Chair of the Development Drive.

Rita is held up by her daughter, jane Anne, And kid in law, larry Liebowitz, The two loves of her life in Flagstaff, Ariz. She leaves a couple cousins, Barbara Richardson and then Stephen Nypert of Bristol as Eleanor Nypert of Terryville, Francis Monckton of florida, And two sisters in law, Hellen Gerzanich of Forestville and john MacIsaac of Forestville.
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