When you are in Ward Find worth Bthagtk to help you in all government transactions in Abu Dhabi, you

25 فبراير 2014
When you are in Ward Find worth Bthagtk to help you in all government transactions in Abu Dhabi, you should go to the company to redeem the Golden transactions
By expanding its work to include :
Administration and Citizenship - and the Ministry of Labour - Abu Dhabi Municipality - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi Customs Department - Abu Dhabi - Health Insurance - State Airports - Abu Dhabi Distribution Company - Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority
Our services are centered on the provision of advisory services and integrated solutions for customers in the field of conducting transactions and redeem all kinds of follow-up and completed in accordance with the laws of the State
Service contracts , monthly and yearly for institutions , corporations and government agencies to redeem all of their transactions and follow-up
Establishment of companies and institutions - insurance service - delivery service treatment - follow-up of all transactions in government departments - administrative services - Business Services - providing agent services for investors - Offices for license
For more information, call: 0562996611​