رقم هاتف السفارة اليونانية وعنوانها بابو ظبي
بيانات الاتصال:
سفارة اليونان
صندوق البريد: 5483, ابوظبى
التليفون: 4492550
فاكس :
الموقع الالكتروني على شبكة الانترنت:
البريد الالكتروني ( الايميل ):
يجب مراعاة اضافة الرقم ( 2 ) عند الاتصال من خارج أبو ظبي واضافة ( 009712 ) عند الاتصال الدولي من خارج دولة الامارات
مؤسسات ذات صلة Related institutions:
telephone number ,free number , fax number , address , website , email
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Paris Tel: 01-4434-0200
2 Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg 75007 Paris France Map
Web site of the UAE embassy in the capital of France; site sections include the UAE, France-UAE relations, business & trade, travel & culture, about the Ambassador etc
UAE Embassies
7 Embassy of the UAE in The Netherlands
Official website of the UAE embassy in the Hague; offers details of consular services, visa, & contact details
UAE Embassies
8 UAE Embassies without web sites
This page has contact details of UAE embassies in Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Morocco, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Kuala Lumpur, Mauritania, etc
UAE Embassies
9 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, New Delhi
Official website of the Embassy of United Arab Emirates in New Delhi; contains information about mission, consular services, visa, UAE-India bilateral relations, & contact details
UAE Embassies
10 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates - Australia and New Zealand
12 Bulwarra Close, O'Malley, ACT 2606, Australia Map
Web site of the UAE embassy in Canberra, Australia; has information on consular services, visas, education, business, cultural exchanges etc
UAE Embassies
التعديل الأخير: