Top 10 cheapest labor resources

vietnam manpower

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26 نوفمبر 2014
Facing with a labor market which is too expensive in the developed countries, many companies accept the barriers to look for the cheap labor resources.
Here are the markets with a surprise cheap labor.
10. Greece: $ 0.80 / hour
With a population of over 80 million, the advantage of this country is not far away from Europe. Therefore it is an attractive destination for apparel manufacturers in the region for inexpensive labor.
9. Sri Lanka: $ 0.62 / hour
Sri Lanka possesses a strong work force with the ability to speak English. This advantage allows them to attract telephone switchboard and other services such as accounting, business cycles. Most of employers come from the UK.
8. Senegal: $ 0.52 / hour
Senegal supplies a cheap labor and information technology infrastructure is quite good for the switchboard industry. However, the problem is their primary language is French
7. Kenya: $ 0.50 / hour
The advantages of Kenyans are able to speak English fluently. In addition, this country also provides an attractive and a cheap workforce to sectors such as PABX, or business.
6. India: $ 0.48 / hour
India is an attractive market as the ability of workers to speak English pretty well.
PABX and programming software is quite popular sectors in the country.
5. Vietnam: $ 0.39 / hour
After the economic reform, Vietnam has become an attractive destination for foreign investors, in part because of cheap labor. Textiles, footwear, services, information technology, especially in the field of design and software development, digital games were focused on in Vietnam.
4. Ghana: $ 0.32 / hour
Ghana's workforce possesses the ability to speak English quite good which is an advantage for switchboard industry.
3. Pakistan: $ 0.32 / hour
Like India, Pakistan employees have the advantage of speaking English. This country is an attractive destination for the switchboard, information technology services like software design and web development.
2. Bangladesh: $ 0.23 / hour
Bangladesh labor market possesses a graduate student source to be exploited by employers. The country is also an attractive destination for those jobs do not require a high level in the field of information technology.
1. Madagascar: $ 0.18 / hour
Madagascar possesses the cheapest labor in the world. National labor market can provide accounting services and information technology.

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