ارقام هواتف وعنوان سفارة البوسنة والهرسك بأبو ظبي

مشرف الدليل الحكومي

المشرف العام
3 سبتمبر 2011

رقم هاتف سفارة البوسنة والهرسك وعنوانها بابو ظبي

بيانات الاتصال:

سفارة البوسنة والهرسك
صندوق البريد: 43362, ابوظبى
التليفون: 6444164

فاكس :
الموقع الالكتروني على شبكة الانترنت:
البريد الالكتروني ( الايميل ):

يجب مراعاة اضافة الرقم ( 2 ) عند الاتصال من خارج أبو ظبي واضافة ( 009712 ) عند الاتصال الدولي من خارج دولة الامارات

مؤسسات ذات صلة Related institutions:

telephone number ,free number , fax number , address , website , email

Emirates Post Tel: 04-262-2222
Government agency that operates the postal services of the United Arab Emriates; site has details of various services available to individuals and businesses
Government of UAE
7 Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority Tel: 02-627-7888
Body set up to improve the efficiency of the financial market and protect investors from unfair and correct practices, to provide opportunities for the investment of cash and savings, to regulate and monitor the licensing of securities etc
Government of UAE
8 Emiratisation
Government initative to get more jobs for UAE nationals and to persuade employers to replace expatriates by UAE nationals in jobs
Government of UAE
9 Ministry of Foreign Trade Tel: 02-495-6000
UAE ministry whose responsibilities include developing trade policies, promoting the UAE in foreign markets, concluding foreign trade pacts, making laws and regulations concerning foreign trade etc
Government of UAE
10 Ministry of Health
Official portal of the ministry of health, government of UAE; has separate sections for doctors, pharmacists, medical technicians, nurses, suppliers, and drug agents; has a list of hospitals in the UAE by location
Government of UAE

التعديل الأخير: